Women Empowerment

“An Educated Woman can help their families and entire communities towards improvements in all manner”
Our Government is working well for Women empowerment But what does March 8 (International Women’s Day) mean for millions of girls in India who cannot attend school because they have to graze cattle, labor in the house or fields, or humiliated by their surrounding people. Women play a vital role in our society and we strongly believes that women should have equal socio-economic, cultural and political opportunities as men. With this ideology in mind, we always try to work accordingly. While doing research in many villages, it was discovered that gender discrimination was rampant. Not only were the women in the regions uneducated and unemployed, but were also given no say in the decision making processes that included them and their family. Educated women are more likely to be aware of the importance of population control and taking their children’s health concerns more seriously. To control this we made some in house strategies like – to Provide market oriented vocational skill training to women and adolescent girls / Commitment to help mothers of children, who are attending educational classes, and involve them in saving, skill training and income generation activities / Integration of adult literacy and income generation / Development of leadership within the communities and linking them with government and non-government facilities / Generation of awareness among common people through involving women from project locations and using educational materials. The specific objectives of the project are to empower women and young girls economically and educationally to enable them participate in development activities, initiate the community to advocate for support and education of girls, to increase the enrollment of girls in the school, to change the life of poor women and their families through revolving fund provision and empower their households economically. We need to find some solution for fund provision for poor women and engaging them in different income generating activities.
Our upcoming activities will include: –
- Provide technical knowledge to desired poor girl.
- Enrollment home based small business work.
- Advocacy and community mobilization on women rights and gender equality.
- Sensitization workshop for religious, traditional and other stakeholders
- Supporting poor women through provision of revolving fund
- Educational supports for poor girls
- Awarding outstanding girl students
- Establishing and supporting girls club in primary schools